Zapraszamy na webinar „Mapping human pressures and their impacts on species in Europe’s protected areas”

The IUCN National Committee of The Netherlands invites you to join the webinar „Mapping human pressures and their impacts on species in Europe’s protected areas”.

Time: Friday October 23, 14:00 – 15:00 PM (CET)

A presentation by Dobrochna M Delsen and Dr James R Allan from the University of Amsterdam. Both are researchers at the BIOMAC lab group that is part of the Department Theoretical and Computational Ecology (TCE) within the Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics (IBED).

„Protected areas are the last refuges for wild biodiversity yet are increasingly exposed to human pressure. In this study we mapped where human pressures are impacting species in protected areas across Europe and answer key questions for conservation on the continent, including if species in Natura 2000 areas or species that receive special policy attention under the EU species and habitats directives are less impacted. The work provides important information to support the recently adopted EU biodiversity strategy to improve the state of Europe’s wildlife and habitats.” (pre-print study)


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